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/ Money in the 90s (1994 Edition) / Money In the 90s.iso / picture2 / 0592c28.shg (.png) < prev    next >
Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-03-08  |  164KB  |  523x411  |  8-bit (229 colors)
Labels: bulletin board | monitor | sky | vegetarianism
OCR: LEADING FIXED RATES IN THE 24 LARGEST METRO AREAS Rate as ol Houtht Telephone Region Institution tumber 30-YEAR MORTGAGES S100 .0001 Atlanta Liberty Mortgage 8.50 2.13 $769 404-936-3250 Baltimore Intand Mortgage 8.63 3.00 778 301.596- 2300 Boston First New England Mcrtpaye 8.63 10 2.00 778 617-237-7203 Chicago Capito Federaled 8.63 2.63 778 708. 398 4663 Cleveland Federa Savings & Loan 8.50 3.00 769 216-441 -6000 Dallas First American Saving s Banc 8.50 1.75 769 817.571 1020 Denver Columbia Savings 8.75 2.00 786 303-692-0060 Detroit FleetiMortgapa 8.71 2.00 786 313-462 4041 Houston First Union Morteage 8.63 3.00 778 713-270- 7900 Los Angeles Estate Mortgage 8.53 2.00 778 .714-832 3800 Miami FirstF inancial of Boston 8.38 3.25 760 305-971. -3044 Minncapolis Inland Mortgaga 8.50 2.75 769 612 ...